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Viola's First Communion 2_edited_edited_

Viola Maria Romero's (Berg) First Communion photo during the late 1920s.
Courtesy V. Berg-Taylor 

Religious Education News


Registration for the Catechism Program and Confirmation classes are now available.  Registration forms are in the Parish Office.  


The Catechism Program serves 1st through 6th grades and 7-8th grade.  Confirmation classes are for grades 9 - 12.


We look forward to spreading God's love and Word with your children.  

Deacon Clarence Montoya
Director, RCIA classes


The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adult Classes (RCIA Classes) is a process by which adults become full, participating members of the Catholic faith.  Participants, known as catechumens go through a multi-step process of studying the Gospel, nurturing their relationship with God, becoming familiar with Catholic teachings and practices, professing their faith in Jesus Christ and the Church, and receiving the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation).  The RCIA process also sets the foundation for the ongoing journey of the discipleship that lasts throughout one's life. 


  • RCIA classes have begun.  Classes are on Tuesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. in the Pastoral Center.


St. Gertrude's Church extends an invitation to all who wish to become members of the Catholic faith.  Those who need to go through the RCIA process in order to become full members of the Catholic faith include:

  • Someone who is of another faith and wishes to convert to Catholicism.

  • An individual who was baptized in another Christian denomination and wishes to become a member of the Catholic faith.

  • Someone who was baptized in the Catholic Church, but never received the Sacraments of Communion & Confirmation.


If you or someone you know want to become full members of the Catholic Church, please come by the Pastoral Office and register for the RCIA program.  Additionally, the classes will be open to anyone who wishes to "brush up" on their Catholic knowledge.


 Please call the Pastoral Office (575~387~2336) Monday - Thursday from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. for more information.




Deacon Eloy Roybal (Director of Catechism/First Confession/First Holy Communion) & Danny Chavez (Director of Catechism/Confirmation) are in charge of the Religious Ed Program.  


Confirmation:  A two-year program for grades 9-12.  


  • The next class will be Sunday, November 10th at 3:30 p.m. at the Parish Office building.


​First Confession/First Communion:  A two-year program for students needing these sacraments in grades 2-8.

  • The next class will be on Tuesday, November 12th.  Catechism classes for 6th, 7th, and 8th grades are now on Tuesdays from 3:45 - 5:00 p.m. in the Elementary School.

We are called to educate our youth in the ways of the Lord.  If we do not, the world will educate them in other ways.  

Click below for more on St. Gertrude's R.C.I.A. Program

R.C.I.A. Brochure
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